Today I threw a trial on block-printing. It was really easy and absolutely pleasant. And I’m deeply satisfied with result.
I noticed that I craft much better, if I combine different inspirations and nurture future project in my mind for couple weeks. As for block-printing, there are lots of awesome artists around web. Check amazing Andrea Lauren at Pinterest, for a dose of sophisticated beauty. I chose Martha’s idea of printing with household items – good for beginners. Most helpful post for me was this one from Design Improvised.
I chose to make printed tea towels for New Year presents, and got perfect linen fabric for them. Still, I just wasn’t confident enough. So today I grabbed a piece of scrap fabric and started. You’ll need some burlap or other sturdy fabric, acrylic-on-fabric paint, some fabric to print on, sponge applier, and any stamp-like objects you can find around. 2 layers of burlap will protect your table and make printing easier.
It printed so smooth! I wasn’t expecting it to be so easy. For stamps I used one of my less successful projects – small plywood houses.