What a time to be alive! With eight billion people on the planet and a pandemic ongoing, we decided 2020 will be perfect to launch our first business project – make-and-order-busy-board-online service on Kickstarter. And though we miscalculated many factors, we got tremendous support from all of you. THANK YOU!
our Kickstarter story in a nutshell.
- It took two of us 5 months to prepare and launch the campaign.
- We have not reached our goal, yet managed to raise a solid 150 pounds and annoy 150 solid editors.
- We reached out to thousands of people and collected hundreds of leads.
- And last, but not least…
We Did It!
Yes! We have created what we have been shooting for. The easy-peasy online builder for the busy boards, available for every parent out there. A place where you can make, buy or order your busy board straight from home, hassle-free. IT’S ALIVE. The thing that was my dream for 7 years – for all tinker heads out there – is in full working mode. Yes.
We are filling it now with the new parts and elements, and still fixing some bugs on filters, etc. Please be patient. It’s a small family business and a work-in-progress, but it’s already a great hands-on playground for everyone interested in busy boards.
To say that our Kickstarter campaign was a steep learning curve would be an understatement. Yet, it was also a brilliant opportunity to shout out Easy Busy Boards. We’ve connected with followers, fans, our community, our backers, the like-minded parents, and educators out there, and had a ton of fun on the way.
Why did we start a Kickstarter? We hoped for a bit of PR and for a chunk of cash to order our boards in bulk. However, it turned out that we didn’t really need it for our product to take off.
What did we find out in the process?
- It turned out that our audience is flowing to our website straight from google (cue ethereal music), thanks to the amazing thorough content accumulated over eight years of practice and research.
- Along the way, we shaved off so much weight off our product (notwithstanding uncompromised quality), that international shipping became a breeze.
- We have had our physical product honed, achieving an impressive quality of parts and assembly. Parts-wise, we keep the homemade busy boards’ philosophy: Real Stuff Only.
- We have had our name and brand benefits aligned and perfected. Lots of you like the name Easy Busy Boards. But it wouldn’t happen if Facebook bots didn’t block our previous website OyBoyStuff – just like millions of other small businesses in 2020. We cried a little and then registered a new cool name. Bam!
What do we have now?
We have an online one-stop-shop for busy boards, parts, and expertise. It is easy and intuitive to use. Here you can:
- Order a ready-made busy board
- Create your design online and have it made
- Order your design as a DIY kit
- Pick and buy separate parts for busy board
We have brought all parts, BOARDS, and DESIGN to your fingertips. Why?
We want to give every family solution past the pains of making busy board straight to the fun. Now you can buy all the parts, download a tutorial, or order an assembly – all in one place. You don’t have to browse multiple Amazon tabs for coolest parts or do several runs to the Home Depot to finally get that screw size right. We already did it.
You’re welcome!
Do you know a parent who would like to make a busy board? Send them the link today, because kids grow so fast 😉