free printable board game for kids

Go to SPACE with this Free Printable Boarding Game”

Does your kid like space and planets? Are you raising a little Sheldon Cooper there? And need some extra kick for that math?

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KOCMOC, a.k.a. SPACE brings a whole new galaxy of great mood and fun time. Download this free game and go-ahead! Print it on A3 for the best experience.

When it comes to the choice of board game for kids, it is not always the same experience for everyone. For example, with my son, I had quite a several frustrating moments as he refused and refused to play the expensive sets that I kept buying him.

Hence I am totally a big advocate for the free downloadable board games now. Usually, it’s a good idea to try it out with smaller kids before you go invest in Monopoly and Game of Thrones Collector’s Edition.

free printable board game for kids
Print on the A3 or four A4s for the best proportions

Authors of this amazing board game are great advertising professionals and, what’s maybe more important, unbeatable moms. They’re co-creators, not only responsible for the funniest animated commercials, but also for several kids’ books. For these books, Anna (a writer and full-time homeschooling mom) wrote the poetry, and Tatiana created illustrations and designs.

The rules of the game are streamlined in the design, giving a pretty clear idea about the function of each field. Furthermore, the geek parents will be happy to find a bunch of Easter Eggs here. For example, on the 42 you have to give the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe and Everything.

“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”

– Douglas Adams

I am a huge fan of paper playthings, from the cardboard toys to the printables, such as 3D toys or this printable boarding game for kids. Paper has endless possibilities, and kids can create new things from it 24/7 with very little help.

As for this game, it’s up to you if to make it into a puzzle, or keep as a simple playfield. If out of pieces to move, feel free to use your smaller toys instead.

SPACE - Printable Board Game for Kids

Print this pdf today and check out on the cool elements. The numbers sequence follows the “Number Chain” technique from early math learning, while the intuitive technique of “Snakes and Ladders” makes the game really easy for everyone.

We share values of sustainable choices, open-ended play, and multifunctional learning. We’re happy to see modern tools like printable pdf-s letting kids have lots of toys and activities with less environmental impact.

If you’re not sure you can make the cutout play pieces, skip them. Ask your kids to make their own or use their favorite little toys.  Thank you, creators of the Space Game!

See more of the insights into cool play here.

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