These drawings for kids room are a part of my battle with our beigest-ever rented place. Beige in master bedroom I can stand, but definitely not in kid’s room. So, since Emir is biggest fan of cars, boats and just any vehicles, I went vehicles. This is also a part of my anti-expat-depression art therapy. Every other weekend I draw two cars, and it instantly makes me feel way better.
So, that time there was these two. First is Baku taxi (Baku is capital of Azerbaijan, and my husband’s home town), which are actually of same model as London cabs. In Baku people call them “aubergine-taxi”, because of their nice deep color.
Second is survivor’s van, since we’re big fans of Walking Dead and zombie apocalypse theme. So, this survivor mom is taking her two survivor kids somewhere to safe place. I believe they had a good day, – no zombie hoards, and engine is running well, – so they’re smiling and just enjoying their ride.
These drawings for kids room all came out from a box of really great crayons I purchased in a grocery store. I enjoy them so much! They’re bright, and very pleasant to draw with – soft, smooth and textured. Tip: when doing art for nursery, don’t hesitate to use kids supplies. Together with proper techniques, they provide perfect result.